Smite termite & pest control LLC
Smite termite & pest control LLC
Welcome to Smite Termite & Pest Control
Defeating your pest problems, not delaying them!
Services we offer
Pest Control Services
We offer safe & friendly pest control treatments, using intergated pest managment (IPM). A solution to no more bugs.
Termite Control
Subterranean termites can cause extensive damage to your home and property. A smaller colony has the ability to eat 5 grams of wood every single day. We use the best products on the market to ensure you dont get them.
Rodent Control
Arizona's deserts are full of rats and mice. These rodents seek food and shelter, let us set your home up with traps and barriers to keep them out of your house and yard.
Bee Removal
Arizona is home to the second most diverse bee population in the country. Although we dont want to get rid of these important creatures, we know you need to keep your family's safe. You can count on us to remove any bee hives on your property.
I was born and raised in Arizona and I've experienced many different fields of work. I got into the exterminating business in February of 2018. I dreamed of having my own pest control bussiness, so I can keep the quality of work high and the cost low. I love the work I do and how I can impact peoples lives. I strive to provide excellent service and treat your home like my own.
Let's talk!

Business Hours

Mon - Sat
W Sunnyslope Ln, Waddell, AZ 85355, United States

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